Christopher Holmes
Kripalu Faculty
Christopher Holmes is a Kripalu Yoga teacher, a Kundalini Yoga teacher, and a massage therapist licensed in the state of Massachusetts. He has developed expertise in the areas of anatomy and physiology for yoga and bodywork, movement and postural analysis, and the healing of chronic pain patterns.
Upcoming Programs
Yoga to Protect Your Knees According to Christopher Holmes, a teacher trainer for the Kripalu School of Yoga, many knee conditions are caused or exacerbated by both our movement habits…
Enter Slowly and Quietly: The Path to Understanding the Unified Body The physical body is the perfect portal into practice because (as contemporary science is finding out) energy, mind, feeling-sensations, feeling-emotions, and…
Human Rhythms, Earth Rhythms: Using the Medicine Wheel to Reflect on Spring and Transitions Medicine wheels can be actual physical structures, such as stone constructions, or they can be a symbolic concept upon which to meditate and reflect, says…
Muscle, Fascia, and Yoga: We Are All Connective Scientists have only recently begun to unravel the true function of fascia. They're discovering that it is a living organism that not only cocoons muscle, but…
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