Dale Abrams
Dale Abrams, the education coordinator for Mass Audubon’s Berkshire Sanctuaries, is a lifelong naturalist whose specialties include birding, wildlife tracking, and forest and wetland ecosystem studies. He holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from Humboldt State University in California and a master’s in environmental studies from Antioch University New England. Dale has worked as a naturalist for state parks in California, Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, the Fish and Wildlife Service in Puerto Rico, and many environmental education organizations. His home base for the past 17 years has been in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts, where he explores the diverse ecosystems and rich cultural history of the Northeast.
Upcoming Programs
Attuning to Winter Through the Sense of Smell All year round, but especially during the winter, we can often easily find natural areas where the wonderful smell of pine fills the atmosphere, freshening the…
How to Experience Fall at Kripalu Experience autumn in the Berkshires with all five senses—at the retreat center and in the beautiful landscapes and picturesque towns that surround our campus.
Why I Love Being in Nature We are asked our faculty about their favorite ways to get outside, and the most powerful benefits they experience in nature.
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