Erin Maile O'Keefe

Erin Maile O’Keefe and Kevin O’Keefe developed CircusYoga® and Flying Partner Yoga in 1997 out of their love for yoga, circus, connection, and play. Since then, they have led CircusYoga Teacher Trainings worldwide. Erin’s lifelong passion for exploring embodied movement led her to certifications in Kripalu Yoga, Rasa Yoga, Thai Massage, and Embodied Anatomy and Yoga from the School for Body-Mind Centering. Kevin is the founder of Circus Minimus and the American Youth Circus Organization, and taught for many years at the Big Apple Circus School and Sara Lawrence College. Erin and Kevin’s first in a series of parent-kid activity books Flying Kids! will be released this year.

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  • The Yoga of Parenting

    Kripalu presenters offer their favorite tools for skillful parenting—actions that help both parents and kids experience peace, realize truth, and increase…

  • The Power of Play

    The warmer months can brings us back to the freedom of childhood, when summer meant school-free, carefree days. But as adults, finding the time to be...

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