Justin Michael Williams

Justin Michael Williams helps others find their authentic voice and share it with the world. He is a vibrant public speaker, musician, and successful yoga instructor who travels the globe training the conscious community to thrive in marketing, media, and business. Justin has spearheaded the marketing development and social media of more than 200 brands, both large and small, including, Sianna Sherman, Ashley Turner, Noah Mazé, and more. He is also the cofounder of the Business of Yoga, helping yoga teachers flourish in business. By using his expertise to coach individuals and nonprofits, Justin works to spread positivity and inspire change throughout the social web.

Learn more about this presenter’s work:


  • The Art of Heart-Centered Yoga Sales

    Karen Mozes and Justin Michael Williams have heard from yoga teachers, from all walks of life and all levels of experience, that selling, no matter how much of…

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