Sarah Platt-Finger


Sarah Platt-Finger, cofounder of ISHTA Yoga and the private yoga teacher of Deepak Chopra, leads trainings, workshops, and retreats internationally with her husband, yoga master Alan Finger. She is a featured teacher on Yoga U Online, as well as Jiyo, a revolutionary new digital platform that brings health and wellness to online communities throughout the world. Sarah serves on the board of directors for Exhale to Inhale, a nonprofit organization that teaches yoga to survivors of domestic violence.

Learn more about this presenter’s work:


  • Loving for No Reason

    Does the ocean seem less vast when it loses a drop? Why would we lose the magnitude of who we are by being kind and compassionate for no particular reason?

  • A Five-Minute Centering Practice

    Sadly, being out of balance often feels more natural than having a quiet moment of peace and calming. Yoga teacher Sarah Platt-Finger offers an accessible…

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