Tara Brach

Tara Brach, PhD, an internationally renowned meditation teacher and author of the best-selling books Radical Acceptance, True Refuge, and her latest, Radical Compassion, worked as a clinical psychologist for more than 20 years. Her weekly podcast explores the role of mindfulness and compassion in the realization of human potential and receives more than two million downloads each month. Tara regularly leads accredited workshops for mental-health professionals, as well as retreats for wider audiences across the United States and Europe. She is the creator, with Jack Kornfield, of a mindfulness meditation teacher training certification program that is currently serving participants from 49 countries. In addition to her public teaching, Tara is active in bringing meditation into schools, prisons, and underserved populations around the Washington DC area.

Learn more about this presenter’s work:


  • Which Wolf Are You Feeding?

    No matter how painfully we’re triggered by the world’s violence and insensitivity, we can direct our attention in ways that carry us home to our intrinsic good…

  • The Path of Radical Acceptance

    Clearly recognizing what is happening inside us, and regarding what we see with an open, kind, and loving heart, is what I call Radical Acceptance.

  • The Qualities of Presence

    An excerpt from True Refuge, by Tara Brach Presence is not some exotic state that we need to search for or manufacture. In the simplest terms, it is the felt...

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