MELT Demystified: A Q&A with MELT Method Master Trainers

If you’re in the fitness and yoga world, you might have heard of the MELT Method®—but did you know it stands for Myofascial Energetic Length Technique? If you've never heard of it, MELT is a revolutionary self-treatment that can help you relieve chronic pain, reduce inflammation, sleep better, improve alignment, and so much more. We asked Kripalu presenters and MELT master trainers Kerrie Bodendorf and Meegan Descheneaux to explain exactly how MELT works and what it can do for you.

What is the science behind MELT? Why does it work?
MELT simulates the techniques and results of manual, hands-on therapeutic approaches—we call it Hands-off Bodywork®. New research has revealed the missing link to pain-free living: a balanced nervous system and healthy connective tissue. These two components work together to provide your body support and optimal mind-body communication. MELT directly addresses these two systems of your body in a way no other self-treatment can by teaching you how to rehydrate connective tissue and rebalance the nervous system.

What is the experience of a MELT class?
MELT techniques are designed to calm and rebalance the nervous system, so most students find MELT Method classes to be deeply relaxing. One of the first things you will notice about MELT techniques is the subtly of the techniques themselves—all compression techniques occur in short duration with light pressure.

What are the most common benefits of MELT?
MELT is designed to benefit the functioning and efficiency of the entire body, so it is appropriate for nearly all ages and conditions. (While MELT is not a cure, it can help reduce the side effects of medication and support healing.) MELT can help you eliminate chronic pain, reduce stress and tension, fall asleep and sleep more soundly, improve your posture and alignment, have more energy during the day, and shed excess body fat.

What kinds of transformations have you seen people undergo through using MELT?
MELT has helped hundreds of thousands of people eliminate chronic pain, even when they’ve had it for years or even decades. Many issues that people don't usually relate to chronic pain—like sleep, energy, and weight—can be dramatically transformed by regular self-care with MELT. We’ve also seen remarkable results with people who are dealing with chronic diseases and conditions; they’ve been able to avoid surgery, reduce their dosage of medication, and sometimes eliminate the need for drugs entirely. We’ve heard many reports of how MELT has improved practitioners’ quality of life by reducing or eliminating the side effects of medications.

In what ways are MELT and yoga similar or different?
Although different, MELT and yoga are wonderfully complementary. Many yoga students report that MELT significantly enhances their flexibility, strength, balance, and stability. The focus and intention of MELT is on rehydrating connective tissue rather than stretching muscle. MELT is an ideal preparatory technique before practicing yoga, as well as a great recovery technique after engaging in a more energetic or vigorous yoga practice.

Find out about programs with Kerrie Bodendorf and Meegan Descheneaux at Kripalu.

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