Turning Point Q&A with Melanie Roche

Melanie Roche is a healer in private practice who works with clients worldwide. She served on the faculty of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing at both the Miami and Tokyo campuses, and is now developing her own method, integrating healing with mind-body practices.

Describe what you do in 15 words or less. 
Work to heal clients via phone or Skype and in person, and lead workshops internationally.

Tell us about a turning point in your life.  
I found a lump in my breast when I was in my early 30s. I had surgery, but also went to an energy healer. That healing was a profound experience—it changed my life, and I switched careers. Now I give healings and teach others how to do the same.

What do you love about teaching?
The “aha moment” when someone realizes she or he does sense energy; it’s palpable. Also, helping people create the lives they want.

What are you passionate about right now?  
Being my full self so others get the feeling, by being around me, that they can be their full selves, too.

What do you do in your downtime?
I love to read contemporary fiction and ride my bike through nature and near the ocean.

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