What Empowers Me

We asked a few of the women who make Kripalu such a great place to visit—and to work—to share what keeps them going. 

Michelle B., Mailroom Supervisor


When Michelle first started working at Kripalu, she found the staff community to be so welcoming and friendly that she thought they were faking it. "When I landed at Kripalu, I felt like I landed in heaven," she says. She's been working here almost a decade now.

Marina H., Housekeeping Staff


Marina has been working at Kripalu for nine years. For her, power comes from independence and equality—the ability to make her own choices and decisions. 

Yuri H., Program Development Manager


"Being at Kripalu has shown me what it looks like to be authentic, kind, and compassionate, and how to teach my sons what that means," says Yuri. "I’m grateful every day for all that I’ve learned at Kripalu and can pass on to those around me." 

Katiuscia N., Kripalu R&R Coordinator


"Empowerment is a feeling, and I have the power to choose it, just as I can choose any feeling," says Katiuscia. "What empowers me is the opportunity to choose exactly who I want to be. And in the midst of this kaleidoscopic journey, this quote has stayed with me, 'In a world where you can be anything, be kind.' And so I choose to be kind."

Morgan Q., Marketing Manager


“What really has given me power is stepping forward, asking for what I want, and asking for help when I need it," says Morgan. "It’s not one aha moment, it’s a day-to-day, cumulative, quiet process.” 

Lilia R., Housekeeping Staff


For Lilia, empowerment comes from service, from doing work she feels good about. She's been doing that at Kripalu for 19 years.

Gladys S., Housekeeping Quality Assurance Coordinator


Gladys says that feeling strong and capable empowers her. She's worked at Kripalu for nearly 20 years.

Barbara Vacarr, CEO


Compassion empowers Barbara, and that includes self-compassion. "There is no compassion for others without compassion for oneself," she says. "It is from a place of non-judgment and compassion for our own full, flawed selves that we can connect to others, beyond geography, race, religion, gender, or politics."

Selena V., Cook Supervisor


Selena also chose the value of compassion. "I try to look at everyone as an individual, with different needs and wants," she says, "and to give them appreciation, whether that's going down to the shop to buy everyone 'a beer'—root beer or ginger beer—or simply a thank you."