Coby Kozlowski
Kripalu Faculty
Coby Kozlowski, MA, is a faculty member for the Kripalu School of Yoga and a senior faculty member at the Esalen Institute. Coby, author of One Degree Revolution: How the Wisdom of Yoga Inspires Small Shifts That Lead to Big Changes, has been featured on the cover of Yoga Journal; Mantra Yoga + Health and named “one of the seven yoga teachers who have changed the practice.” Her vibrant and inclusive style as a storyteller, speaker, contemporary yoga and meditation educator, life coach trainer, and author is infused with practical wisdom and heartfelt humor. Coby is the creator of Quarter-Life Calling®: Creating an Extraordinary Life in Your 20’s, Karma Yoga Leadership Intensive, Kripalu Vinyasa, and is a lead trainer for The Radiance Sutras School of Meditation.
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4 Things to Do with Your Extra Day Leap Day may look and feel like any other day of the year, but why not treat it like a rare and special gift?
What Is Karma Yoga? Five longtime Kripalu teachers share stories about what karma yoga—the practice of selfless service—means to them.
7 Steps to Enhance Your Digital Wellness When we put down our devices, we look up, engage, and come back to the world, and to ourselves.
The Path of Personal Growth As interpreted through the lens of yoga, personal growth is a gradual and permanent shift in how we relate to ourselves and to the world.
Compassion and the Path of Self-Study One of the reasons Kripalu School of Yoga alum Ilana Beigel practices yoga (on and off the mat) is for svadhyaya (self-study). She has found the curriculum for…
Yoga and Parenting: Breath, Self-Care, and Letting Go Parenting is an incredible and rewarding learning experience. And it’s not for the faint of heart. Yoga, mindfulness, and meditation can all support the…
What’s New in the Kripalu Schools Ready to get back to yoga school—or enroll for the first time? Here's all the news from the Kripalu Schools.
Yoga for Your Health Many of us have experienced the immediate results of practicing yoga: less stress and a sense of calm. But regular practice could also yield long-term health…
Life as a Practice: A Q&A with Coby Kozlowksi Coby Kozlowski, a life coach and faculty member at Kripalu, answers questions about trusting your instincts, making big decisions, and finding the right life…
Making Space to Just Be: A Q&A with Coby Kozlowski Coby Kozlowski, a life coach, expressive-arts therapist, and faculty member at Kripalu, talks about how to create space in your life.
Decluttering, Mentally and Physically Kripalu Yoga teacher Coby Kozlowski offers some tips on decluttering your space.
The Power of Play The warmer months can brings us back to the freedom of childhood, when summer meant school-free, carefree days. But as adults, finding the time to be...
Paying it Forward, in Two Languages During my first visit to Kripalu in the summer of 2010, Kripalu Yoga teacher Coby Kozlowski hit me over the head with what...
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