Lauren Z.

Ready, Set, Reset
I recommend Kripalu to everyone I know. Go and see how much better you can feel. You owe it to yourself.

Three years ago, I went on vacation and suffered a horrible bout of food poisoning that left me with a relentless and debilitating intestinal problem. I was lethargic, I gained weight, and I had to go to the bathroom constantly. I went from doctor to doctor looking for a solution, to no avail. I tried removing foods from my diet, then adding foods. Nothing made a difference.

A girlfriend of mine suggested I visit Kripalu. Living in the Berkshires, I had driven by the center countless times, but had never stopped in. Finally, I decided to give it a shot, and booked an Ayurveda-based program with John Douillard about detox and weight loss.

I turned off my phone, said goodbye to my family, and freed myself of all the daily things I’d become accustomed to doing. As soon as I walked in the door, a warm, cozy feeling came over me.

Taking a step back from normal life gave me an opportunity to clearly assess how I was feeling. My daughter was three years old and I was in a constant frenetic state. I felt like I needed to do 20 things at once. I was eating breakfast in the car, listening to the news on TV while checking my phone, eating takeout, staying up late, running to and from social events. I was never fully in the moment.

The program taught me to approach these kinds of routine tasks differently, especially eating. I learned how to eat mindfully and to completely relax before enjoying a meal. I became educated about eating with the seasons, a concept that made total sense to me. The medical information I learned about how the body processes food left me confident in my ability to make meaningful changes to my diet. Most of all, I learned how to truly listen to my body.

I recommend Kripalu to everyone I know. Go and see how much better you can feel. Reset your body. You owe it to yourself.

—Lauren Z., Pittsfield, Massachusetts

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