Socorro C.

What I learned at Kripalu helped me listen to my body. It is very empowering to give myself what I need.

Coming to Kripalu catalyzed a healing journey for me. I first came for two nights of R&R Retreat after finding a catalog in the local health-food store. Since it was fall, all of the leaves were on fire with color. The grounds are so beautiful and I felt open to different ways of being. On Sunday, I walked to the beach and then to the labyrinth, and the walk itself taught me about life not being about the destination, but about the walk down and back. Another day, I walked up to Monk’s Pond, and got lost! I kept walking towards the sunlight, and when I finally got myself out of the woods, I realized this experience was like life. It may take you a long time to find your way, but you eventually get there.

I love the food at Kripalu. I believe if you love your body, you should put good food in it. The dishes are so tasty, with the different combos of vegetables, according to the season. There is something for everybody, so many choices, and everything is nourishing. I’m just now able to say “no” to food when I don’t want it. What I learned at Kripalu helped me listen to my body. It is very empowering to give myself what I need.

I also now have a regular yoga practice, a class I go to which is part of my food co-op. I’ve learned to do something for my spine every day, like a couple of Cat/Cows. Even if I practice five minutes a day, it gives me benefits.

Before Kripalu, I could be defensive with others. Now, I am more willing to listen. It’s very subtle, but I notice it, even if others don’t.

I feel like things are working better because I’ve been making these small changes.

—Socorro C., parenting educator, New York, New York 

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