Cathy W.

I’ve been able to go deeper into my connection with the earth, and it has lifted my spirit.

The Kripalu School of Mindful Outdoor Leadership training was flawlessly prepared, even though it was the first run-through, and the curriculum wasn’t like a schoolbook learning at all. Mark and Micah and the entire team held this sense of being, which is the being you are when you’re in the woods—taking our natural place here, instead of thinking our natural place is inside a big brick building or a car.

I never knew what mindfulness was, technically, so it was wonderful for me to be affirmed in some of my skills and knowledge, but also to see it expanded and extrapolated and offered in so many different ways. I’ve been able to go deeper into my connection with the earth, and it has lifted my spirit and given me perspective. This program was a gift.

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