David Newman (Durga Das)
David Newman (Durga Das) is a renowned sacred chant master, recording artist, singer-songwriter, best-selling author, and inspirational teacher. He travels extensively, sharing his music and teachings on the path of love as a vehicle for spiritual awakening. He has released numerous chart-topping CDs, including Love Is Awake, and he’s the author of The Timebound Traveler. David is also the founder of the Stay Strong Project and Yoga On Main. He has been featured on NPR, in the Washington Post, Yoga Journal, and other media outlets.
“At David Newman’s concert, the event’s volume knob seemed to go from low-level joy to full-on bliss, the kind you feel after climbing a gorgeous mountain or ending a tough run on a strong sprint.”—The Washington Post
“Though David Newman has a deep sense of tradition in his music, there is also something thoughtful, poetic, personal, and almost romantic about his songs.”—Yoga Journal
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Six Ways to Transmute Fear and Anger into Peace and Love This Year In a divided world, it’s up to us to intensify our resolve to be beacons of love and ambassadors of peace.
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