Elizabeth Boham
Elizabeth Boham, MD, MS, RD, is a physician and nutritionist who practices functional medicine with Mark Hyman, MD, at the UltraWellness Center in Lenox, Massachusetts. Through the functional medicine approach, Elizabeth helps patients restore balance in their bodies to prevent disease and heal imbalances. She witnesses the power of nutrition every day in her practice and is committed to training other physicians to utilize nutrition in healing. Elizabeth is on the faculty of the Institute for Functional Medicine, and has developed a functional nutrition course that is being used to educate physicians and other health professionals. She has helped thousands of people achieve their goals of optimal health and wellness.
Learn more about this presenter’s work:
- drboham.com
- Ultrawellnesscenter.com
- Smart People Podcast: Episode 298, Functional Medicine, Breast Cancer, and Chro…
Upcoming Programs
The Food Factor in Migraine Prevention For Heidi E. Spear, a primary cause of migraines was gravitating towards foods that were stressful on her body, and avoiding the foods that her body needed.
Eight Strategies for Boosting Your Immunity Despite how central the immune system is to our overall health, many of us unwittingly compromise it with poor lifestyle choices, such as chronic stress and…
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