Lillian Lennox


Lillian Lennox, LMHC, C-iRest, E-RYT 500, is a licensed counseling psychology clinician and researcher specializing in integrative mental health. Born in Leicester, England, Lillian lived in Sydney, Australia, for several years before settling in the Berkshires. An adventurer on land and sea, she was called at a young age to understand the path of healing from severe psychological trauma. Reflecting her integrative and interdisciplinary approach, Lillian is a Certified iRest® yoga nidra teacher, an E-RYT 500, and a certified Level II EMDR practitioner. 

With a master's degree in counseling psychology and over twenty years in private practice in Lenox, Massachusetts, Lillian specializes in bringing together contemporary psychology skills together with complementary and alternative approaches to assist in the prevention and healing of psychological stress injury including vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, burn-out, and PTSI (post-traumatic stress injury). She is an international training facilitator, public speaker, and course leader with a steady focus on integrative approaches to mind-body-spirit well-being.   

A graduate of the International Trauma Studies Program at Columbia University, Lillian is trained in interventions and preventions that promote the resilience, mental, social, and integrative health of individuals, families, and communities who have endured catastrophic psychosocial trauma. She serves as a Western Massachusetts Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) team member and a senior consultant on the regional Department of Homeland Security First Responder Mental Health Resilience Project. She is also working on her first book, exploring skill-based approaches toward healing complex psychological trauma while restoring vibrancy and well-being. 

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