Monica Meehan McNamara headshot

Monica Meehan McNamara

Monica Meehan McNamara is the cofounder, coexecutive drector, and director of mental health services at Dignity Beyond Borders. Monica previously served for 15 years as curriculum director for Project Common Bond—a global peace building program for young people who have been impacted by terrorism, war, or mass violence. She facilitated retreats for military widows in the United States and internationally. Her current focus is in creating programs that will foster safe and inclusive communities, based on the idea of dignity, for individuals who have experienced traumatic loss.

Monica is also a family therapist with a private practice in Boston, Massachusetts. She holds a bachelor's degree from Tufts University and an master's degree from New York University. She has postgraduate certificates in movement analysis from the Laban Institute; in family therapy from Family Institute of Cambridge; and in trauma work from Bessel van der Kolk’s Trauma Center.

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