Stephanie Lopez


Stephanie Lopez, LISW, C-IAYT, is the Senior Director of Teachings and Programs and Senior iRest Trainer for iRest Institute. With a deeply embodied understanding of meditation informed by nearly 30 years of immersion in the nondual teachings of yoga, she leads retreats and trainings internationally with a focus on living an authentic and awakened life. As a Gestalt psychotherapist, meditation teacher, and certified yoga therapist she bridges eastern wisdom with western psychology and neuroscience to support healing and transformation. Stephanie also serves as Vice-Chair on the Certification Committee for IAYT helping to promote standards and credentialing for the yoga therapy field. She has presented meditation at Google, Spotify, and UC Berkeley Haas School of Business. She is a contributing author of “Yoga Nidra Meditations” and “Practice: Wisdom from the Downward Dog.”

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