Sun Breaths to Revitalize

Find illumination from within with simple Sun Breaths. Here's how to practice:

1. Begin in Mountain pose or in a comfortable seated position with the back upright and spine long. Relax your belly, then take five to 10 complete breaths, using your full lung capacity. Try to let each inhale and each exhale last around six counts.

2. Inhale, and slowly raise your arms out to the sides and overhead, bringing your palms together. Then exhale and slowly draw your palms down your midline until your thumbs rest at the center of your chest.

3. Integrate your movement and breath so that one full inhalation brings your arms all the way up and one complete exhalation takes your arms all the way down. With each breath, focus on filling and emptying your lungs completely.

4. Repeat this for several rounds. Then relax your body, soften your breath, and place one hand on your belly and the other hand on your chest. Feel for your heartbeat and connect with the warmth of your own internal flame.

Find out about upcoming programs with Janna Delgado at Kripalu.

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Janna Delgado, E-RYT 1000, Kripalu faculty member and curriculum developer for the Kripalu Yoga in the Schools program, is a facilitator and trainer for RISE, an evidence-based program in conscious leadership.

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