Malú Doherty


Malú Doherty, RYT-500, is a Reiki master, yoga and movement teacher, and healing and visual artist who offers classes, workshops, and private sessions. Her sound healing journeys weave together a creative mix of soundscapes, including vocal toning and chanting, that invite deep body-mind release and a space for healing and peace. Through her yoga classes, and women’s gatherings, she incorporates an eclectic collection of traditional, ceremonial, and holistic practices to awaken intuition, creative expression, self-discovery, and personal potential for healing. 

Malú has studied sound healing since 2018 and has additional training in iRest yoga Nidra L2 , specializing in PTSD), Trauma-Informed Yoga, Yin Yoga, Let Your Yoga Dance, and conscious dance. 

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