Turning Point Q&A with Janna Delgado

Janna Delgado, BFA, E-RYT 500, combines her training as a Kripalu Yoga teacher, Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist, and AFAA-certified fitness instructor with her background in acting to create meaningful collective experiences of yoga on the mat and out in the world. Since 2008, Janna has focused on enriching the lives of adolescents through yoga in her role as Program Leader for the Kripalu Yoga in the Schools project for the Kripalu Institute for Extraordinary Living.

Describe what you do in 15 words or less.
I teach yoga, mindfulness, and Ayurveda for reducing stress and promoting self-care on the path toward health, harmony, and happiness.

Tell us about a turning point in your life. 
I first arrived at Kripalu as a volunteer in 2003, coming from a frenetic life in New York City. After a week of living in the Kripalu community, eating wholesome food, and enjoying the natural splendor of the Berkshires, I felt myself beginning to decompress. I suddenly became very aware of my breath and realized that, during my 10 years in the city, I had lost my ability to breathe deeply. This revelation was literally a breath of fresh air! Once I regained my ability to slow down, take deep breaths, and relax, my life began to transform.

What do you love about teaching?
I love that teaching is an act of both giving and receiving: The more I learn, the more I can share with others and, the more that is shared, the deeper the learning grows. I appreciate this symbiotic relationship between teacher and student because there is mutual benefit and shared learning.

What are you passionate about right now?
Accepting what is, rather than resisting it. I’ve noticed that when I am able to surrender, space opens up for grace to flow in. Often a situation resolves itself in a way I had not ever considered—and usually it turns out for the best! Letting go and trusting that everything is already okay is an act of faith that I practice regularly.

What do you do in your downtime?
I savor the simple pleasures of life. For me, less really is more. I enjoy walking outdoors as the day is breaking, nourishing myself with home-cooked meals, and—my all-time favorite indulgence—climbing into bed early to get a good night’s sleep.

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